Leadchain Alert

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An advanced alert system which manages the process of sending reminders, updates, wishes, announcements, promotions, and schemes. Now keep yourself and your customers updated with relevant and required information. Leadchain Alert pulls the information from data stores like Busy and Tally, prepares the alert and sends it to relevant people. Because alert processing happens automatically, you can utilize that time elsewhere. Leadchain Alert has built-in support for handling daily and hourly email quotas for popular SMTP servers of current time.


  •  Works smoothly on any internet.
  •  Concurrent data access.
  •  Email and SMS support.
  •  Supports BUSY Access and SQL Server.
  •  Supports Tally ERP 9.


  •  Can be used for sending reminders, updates, promotions, schemes and wishes.
  •  Reduces the manual work of preparing reports, writing and sending alerts.
  •  Increases the productivity. Because alerts are configured once and triggered automatically on scheduled date & time.
  • Helps improve the quality. Because alerts are system generated hence lesser chances of mistake(s).

Data Management

  • We introduced the concept of data plug-in to make our application compatible with different type of data sources.
  • As of now, Busy data plug-in is available. Data plug-ins for other applications (like Tally, Marg and other popular ERPs) will be available soon.
  • Data plug-in configuration to access data from various sources.
  • Data explorer to facilitate easy and simple data handling.


  •  Regular Email
  •  Promotional Mailers
  •  Wishes & Greetings
  •  Service Reminder
  •  Account Ledger
  •  Amount Receivable
  •  Payment Reminder
  •  PDC Reminder
  •  Amount Receivable
  •  PDC Reminder
  •  Pending Sale Order
  •  Pending Purchase Order
  •  Sales Analysis
  •  Stock Status


  •  Email and SMS.


  •  Data encryption for better security.
  •  No third party involvement except email and SMS provider.


  •  Data compression for better performance.


  •  Built-in support for handling daily and hourly email quotas.
  •  Logging and Tracing.

User Friendly

  •  Light and easy installation.
  •  Simple and easy configuration.
  •  Rich yet user friendly.

Platform Support

  •  Leadchain Alert supports all major windows operating systems.